Monday, October 19, 2009

Miles' Baptism

Taking our vows and the baptism.

On September 6, we presented our son Miles to be baptized. We were fortunate to have many family members in attendance to witness the dedication of Miles as a child of God. It was a happy time, and we enjoyed being able to spend some additional time with our extended family without the craziness of the birthday party! It was somewhat of a comical event; Violet, who normally sits very well during the service, was very impatient for the baptism to occur, and so was telling us to "Just Do It", prior to the ceremony. Then, when it was all done, she decided that it was enough church for one day, and during the sermon declared that, "Baptism is done, let's go home." Of course, there is no thing as a 3 year old whisper!
Family Picture after the service.
Violet did not want to be a part of it.

Miles and his Great-Grandpa Fynaardt

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