Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pictures are up!

The photo albums have been updated and are now ready to view on the kids' websites. If you do not know the password, leave a comment and I'll send it to you--I'm a little leary of having the pictures just out in the world for anyone to see!


Miles' pictures

Violet's pictures

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Early Miles

Miles is proving to be a very convenient baby; he eats well and sleeps even better. He is healthy in every way, shape, and form, and is spending a little more time each day awake, alert, and generally pleased.

Violet has been greatly enjoying having Grandma with the Tractors up; it's especially nice that the fair is in town this week, and they get to make regular visits. This evening, she rode the Ferris Wheel, the Tilt-a-Whirl, the Berry-Go-Round, the Merry-Go-Round (also called a Carousel), and a tiny little horse (pictures to follow). She's enjoying an elephant ear even as we speak.

Charissa is recovering nicely; she walked about a mile today at a reasonably brisk pace, and lived to tell the tale. She and Grandma took the new double stroller--thanks D & J--and it worked wonderfully.

The Church has been providing meals, so we've been eating like kings and queens--thank you to any PM followers who also have volunteered your culinary talents!

I just submitted my final paper for my grad class--it was an enjoyable and intriguing two weeks, but I'm glad to be done. Now, aside from fathering, I'm staying busy getting the cross team ready for the season, and getting plenty of running and swimming in myself. I'm tentatively planning to run the Grand Rapids half-marathon in October.

Submitted by: Ben

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Announcing the Arrival of...

Miles Eliot Talsma!!!

Miles entered the world at 2:19pm on Thursday, July 2. He weighed a whopping 9lbs., 7 oz. and was 22 in. long. He has the same dark blue eyes Violet had when she was born, but a dusting of dark hair. Right now he doesn't do much but sleep, eat, and snuggle, but that's okay. I'll post more details when I've had a chance to really reflect on the whole experience. It was not an easy delivery, but I'm slowly making my recovery, and feeling pretty well.

I'll leave with one of my favorite pictures thus far. We're happy to have you in our family, Miles!