Monday, November 17, 2008

Big Sister News

So, at the end of the last post, I mentioned that there was more news to share. Well, as you can see by the title of this post, and Violet's shirt, this is good news! We are getting ready to welcome baby #2 into the Talsma household! This baby's estimated arrival date is June 15, just before my birthday, and just (hopefully) after school is out for the summer. We had our first doctor's appointment last week, and he said that everything looked good, so we decided to go ahead and share the news with our extended family of blog followers.

Things are going alright for me; I seem to have a bigger case of morning sickness this time that is not just limited to the morning, and I'm tired, but that is to be expected. Violet is being a wonderful big sister--reading books to the baby and saying good morning to him/her every morning by talking and waving. It is the cutest thing! It was also so sweet this morning--it was not a good morning food wise for me, and she came up to my belly and told the baby to stop making mommy's tummy feel sick, and to "please be nice to my mommy".

By the way, we found out about this in the midst of all our challenges the last month. It was both a bright spot, and made the whole financial issue that much bigger. But, we are truly excited to be in the process of having another baby, and I am anxiously awaiting the end of the next couple of weeks to hopefully kick this morning sickness!


Michelle said...

Congratulations! We are thrilled for you! I hope that you can start feeling better very soon - I know that it isn't much fun to be sick. I am sure that Violet will be a great big sister! Take care!

Carrie and Thomas said...

Wow! Congrats you three! (I was wonderin' if this was your news.) How awesome to have Violet on your side with all the pregnancy "ickyness." We'll be praying for you in this new venture (especially with the extra workload at school and not feeling so well.) Hang in there! Love ya!

Rebecca said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you and your family! I look forward to reading your updates. :)